
Showing posts from April, 2020

Labor is not your home

Well before the pandemic and everyone’s recent work adjustments, God had graciously given me the opportunity to telecommute daily. It’s been 3 years since I have been a full-time, remote employee and I’ve learned a couple things along the way. In light of many of us changing our usual work setups to the novel work-from-home status, here are some encouraging thoughts and biblical truths that have made laboring at home easy and meaningful to me. LABOR IS NOT YOUR HOME The most valuable realization I had about working from home, is that work is not my home. Whether you assign a specific place as your “office” area, or a hard stop where you switch gears. Having a well defined moment or instance, where you change from work to home is important. So significant sometimes, that if you don’t draw a line early on, you might be trapped in a catch and release cycle. A place your mind is often drawn to, but not interested in from either side. Think of our spiritual life for example. There